From Shackles to Sovereignty : India’s Path to Freedom

India’s struggle for independence is a remarkable story in global history that demonstrates how a determined nation overcame colonial rule. The struggle for independence lasted for many years and was…

From Prison Bars to Nation’s Star!

“Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it” — Bal Gangadhar Tilak From his early years of struggle and education to his pivotal role in shaping India’s destiny towards…

The Oldest Democracy in the World!

Earlier this week, on the 4th of July, the citizens of the USA celebrated their Independence Day. The marquee event for this day is the fireworks happening in almost every…

Estate Planning Blunders: Mistakes to avoid while creating a Will for your inheritance

Martin Luther King left no Will, so his legacy included an ongoing legal battle. Jimi Hendrix left no Will and decades of family disputes. Bob Marley left no Will, and…

Will Power: 8 easy steps to draft a Will

Did you know Napoleon Bonaparte wanted his head shaved and his hair given to friends after his death? And Harry Houdini left a secret code for his wife, hoping to…